Format: B2 (480×680 mm)
Paper: Munken Pure Rough 170 g
Print: 4/0
Shipment date: 16.12.2024
Adam Kosik
Adam Kosik is a landscape architect by education, who has been working as an illustrator for several years now. He admits openly that during his studies, he was most inspired by architecture and the context that surrounds man – and these are the values he seeks to convey in his illustrations. Adams structures his creations with the help of strong colors and interesting combinations of solids that do not refer directly to the drawn objects, but are rather an attempt to find a compromise between the literal nature of architecture and illustrative fantasy. What he appreciates most in his work is the possibility to create and tell small stories captured in simple frames.
instagram: adamkosik
The Kyiv Institute of Information was the first thing that came to my mind when I decided to support one of the many campaigns to aid Ukraine. My language of visual communication is derived from simple combinations and juxtapositions of solids and architecture, so I figured I wouldn’t escape it but go for it and illustrate a beautiful, raw solid. In the process, I used Ukrainian national colours, which masked the monumentality of the solid and alleviated its austere architectural expression.
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